Confidently start outsourcing in just 2 weeks...

so you can have more time and financial freedom!

(without the raging overwhelm, breaking the bank and wasting your precious time)

(doors open once a year!)

Get me on the waitlist for when the doors to OME open next!
If you're a photographer looking to leave the soul-sucking, never-ending to-do list behind while generating more income, then you probably already know that you need to start outsourcing in your business.

So I'll spare you the spiel.

After all, you probably already KNOW that successfully outsourcing in your photography business is the key tipping point that will allow you to have more time to spend with loved ones, finally tackle that feeling of burn out, and take your business to true profitability.


Even if you already feel like you have your business on lockdown, choosing to outsource in your business can:

  • Bring in More Revenue

    Even if you're happy with how much money you're earning, once you successfully start outsourcing, you'll be able to do more of what you love - shooting! - and as a result, bring in MUCH more revenue. I mean, why spend your time on $5-$25/hour tasks that someone else could be doing for you, when you could be bringing in more money per hour by shooting?

  • Have AT LEAST 15 More Hours of Free Time Per Week

    Even if you just start out by outsourcing your editing, you could EASILY gain 15 hours of your life back each week during wedding season to spend more QUALITY time with your loved ones or being active, or simply resting! 

    Let me ask you. What would YOU do with an extra 15 hours of free time each week?

  • Help You Attract More Clients

    Since you’ll have delegated those never-ending, draining $5-$25/hour tasks to other people, you’ll have more time to cultivate an exceptional experience for your couples (which equals lots of referrals) AND more time to market yourself to attract more wedding/session bookings (which equals more $$$$).

  • Enjoy Running the Business Side of Things with More Ease + Less Stress

    No more playing catch up. You’ll no longer feel like you’re burnt out, spinning out of control or overwhelmed. You'' finally have time to RELAX, which will in turn lead to more creative out-of-the-box thinking (which I know all us photographers yearn for). This is what I call running your business instead of it running YOU.

  • Work on Dream Projects that Otherwise Stay on the Back Burner

    You know those dream projects you keep putting off to the side because you simply don’t have the bandwidth at the moment? Well, with the hours upon hours you gain back from outsourcing (every year I gain about 350 hours of my life back), you’ll FINALLY have the time to pursue your other dreams!

Even though the reasons to start outsourcing are a complete no-brainer, the path to actually successfully outsourcing is anything but!
AWESOME. But where the heck do I start!?

Perhaps in your most courageous moments, you've made the commitment to start.

You've tried an editing company, put out feelers for a Virtual Assistant, and maybe even tried hiring a content writer to write your blogs for you.

But even with the best intentions, most would be outsourcers end up abandoning the idea. Here's why:

Without a super clear, step by step road-map, most photographers get completely lost. They fall victim to the paralyzing communication hangups, frustrating never-done-right edits, and the belief that no one can do it as well as they can.

Here's why this is irreversibly crippling.

As an already busy photographer with clients to serve, orders to fulfill, and maybe even a day job to get to, you literally cannot afford to get off course. The moment you get lost in unsuccessfully outsourcing, it's almost impossible to recover, therefore outsourcing is one of the few things you need to get right THE FIRST TIME.

And luckily for you, there are actually very few people out there doing it right. In all likelihood, your competitors have failed to outsource which means they have less time to show up and market, which means even if you're late to the party, there is still a golden opportunity for you to jump in, clean up the mess, and start making solid profits, that is if you can avoid the same mistakes most photographers are making. 

The 4 Myths That Are Killing Your Freedom AND Income (and how to make it stop)

Myth 1 - “Nobody can do it as well as I can”
Most photographers think this way, and I know how it feels because I used to be one of them. I would get frustrated when I tried outsourcing and things wouldn’t come back as I wanted them to. I would blame the editor and think that they didn’t know what they were doing, but guess what, when you point the finger at someone, there are 3 pointing right back at you.

When you’re able to finally learn how to communicate + give feedback effectively, which means that you’re taking responsibility for the results that you’re getting, everything starts magically coming back to you exactly as you wanted and you can experience more freedom + more money in your life and business.

Myth 2 - “I’ll make less money if I outsource”
Actually, the opposite is true. You make less money if you DON’T outsource.

As soon as photographers feel the stress and overwhelm of the season creep in on them again, they make a promise to themselves that the next year will be different. Either they will take on less weddings to lighten the workload (which equals less money), or finally create more efficient workflows to keep up with all the work.

The photographers that choose to take on less, make less money. The photographers that fool themselves into thinking they could still do everything themselves and try, find themselves in burn out central again the following year.

Want some proof with numbers? 2018 when I had 37 weddings (which I would not have taken on if I wasn’t outsourcing) I made $177,000 from weddings alone. What I spent on editing was $12,500 (only 2.5 weddings worth). So I kept $164,500 and saved 259 hours! I had both. More time AND more money.

Myth 3 - “It’ll take more time for me to train someone than to do it myself”
The truth is, it actually takes LESS time to successfully train someone than if you were to do the tasks yourself. For example, in 2019, with 25 weddings, I saved 225 hours in editing time, but only spent about 3 hours training and giving feedback! All those additional hours allowed me to actually have a QUALITY life with loved ones in the summer and start setting up passive income opportunities.

This is a classic tale of short term thinking vs. long term thinking:

Short Term Thinking:
“I might as well do everything myself because it’ll take too long to train someone.”

Long Term Thinking:
“I know that if I take the time to train someone, I’ll end up working less and making more money in the near future, instead of being overworked and make less money in the long run.”


Myth 4 - “I can figure out how to outsource on my own”
Outsourcing isn't particularly hard or complicated. But there are MANY moving parts and potential failure points along the way. Getting it wrong can be costly and stressful, whereas learning from a pro can fast-track your success.

What editing company should I use? Where do I hire a VA for $5/hour? How do I make sure that what I outsource comes back the way I want it to?

Those are just some of the MANY questions you'll have to answer along the way.

Most photographers approach outsourcing as "just another thing to do or learn", but the thing is, you can't treat outsourcing as just another "tactic" or or “quick fix”, it's an immensely valuable asset to your business that, when done right can earn you so much more freedom and revenue over the course of your lifetime. Time to respect it for what it is, the foundation to a sustainable life and business and approach it accordingly.
Shhh...I'm going to let you in on a SECRET

Even though outsourcing can seem counterintuitive - it’s actually THE FOUNDATION to a sustainable life and business.

And the main reason for this, as you've likely seen by now, is that when you mainly spend your precious time on income-generating tasks (shooting), that allows you to achieve more freedom, creativity, and quality time with loved ones while taking your business to true profitability.

Most photographers aren’t experiencing this STRONG FOUNDATION in their lives, and you may be one of them…

But as long as you can avoid the biggest blunders that sink most would be outsourcers, the path is paved for you and your outsourcing implementation.

One that positively trickles into every area of your life. Your health + wellbeing, relationships, and your bank account!

The key ingredient to all of this is successfully outsourcing.

And with your permission, that's what I'd LOVE to show you how to do.

Outsourcing Made Easy Changes Lives and Is Officially OPEN for Enrollment

(but not for long...)

The Step-by-Step Roadmap to Successfully Outsourcing...

For You To Live a Life with More Time + Financial Freedom

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from my 7-year outsourcing journey (in which I outsourced 265 weddings + sessions, earned $1.3 million in revenue and saved about 5500 hours - that's 230 days of my life!) and channeled it into a comprehensive, step-by-step implementation program that not only teaches you the high-level theory but the actual EXECUTION of how you can build your own sustainable outsourcing foundation.


Yes, you'll learn the strategies behind everything you do, but more importantly, you'll have a detailed, step-by-step project plan that leaves nothing out as you implement it.

The end result: an incredibly strong, long-term foundation in your business, which will set you up for the rest of your entrepreneurial life.

Here’s Proof that Outsourcing Made Easy for Photographers Works from Past Students

Tia Abbott

"Sara’s Outsourcing Made Easy course changed my life. I cut my workload at my computer by half, and doubled my revenue in 6 months!”

"Flashback to last year I was burnt out, exhausted, I took my laptop with me everywhere… I was always working. And I was pretty much crying all the time. 

This course was put in front of me at the exact right moment that I needed it. Honestly, once I dove into it, it just changed everything. I've managed to hire a virtual assistant, I've managed to hire an editor, I've actually taken on way more work and I've been able to shoot way more, while working less. 

I no longer bring my laptop with me to family functions. And I can actually focus on being with my friends and family when I'm with them. I've actually had compliments that my energy has completely shifted and I'm like a whole new person… I think that’s the best compliment of all

I feel like I can outsource literally anything in my business that doesn't bring me joy. All because Sara has provided this like step by step process on how to do that. I feel like my life is just completely changing from here on out and I can't wait to see what else I can outsource."

Jess Collins

"Life has been all sunshine and rainbows since I have started to outsource!"

"I now outsource my culling, editing, album design, blogging, SEO, Instagram engagement, accounting and I'm just training someone how to work on my Pinterest account, so it's be wonderful!

What I gained most in my life thanks to OME is definitely the fact that I have more time with my family! I'm now able to take my kids to sports and tutoring during the week! I get to go to family barbecues on Sundays and do some things for myself like going for a pedicure and not worrying about the workload that's sitting at home.

I'm finally not feeling shameful for taking some time for me, which I used to feel in the past. On Fridays, I can unplug and not answer my email and not feel guilty because I'm all caught up. It's just so freeing and it feels so good!"


Katie Silva

"I’m no longer in workaholic mode 24/7”

"I missed out on so much... I missed out on friends, weddings, family events. I was editing till 3am every single night. I was just constantly working and I had people telling me, “all you do is work, Katie”. It was very overwhelming. I was very stressed out. I  wasn't taking care of myself. I wasn't eating properly. I had just late nights 24/7.

I’m now down 21 pounds!  I've heard it from a lot of people in my inner circle or people that know me, they're like: “your energy has changed – your whole demeanor has changed and you're not in my just workaholic mode 24/7”. 

I was with my grandma the other day for her birthday. I had time to take her out on a Saturday afternoon shopping… when I'm off on the weekend, I can be off for the weekend and not think about work and detach from it… so that has been the biggest thing for me."

Amy Buck

“I've done a lot of courses over the years and nothing has made a bigger impact on me and my business” 

"Before I invested in Sara's outsourcing Made Easy course, my life was super hectic. I was working a job outside of wedding photography and it just felt like I could never get anything done in time. Even if I made those deadlines, I was just going from one wedding to the next with no time off in between, and honestly a lot of stress and burnout.
Once I invested in the course [and started outsourcing], I was able to take a full week off for my sister's wedding, I've been able to spend more time with family and friendsand overall just feel so much less stressed and no burnout this year, which is insane because it's been my busiest year yet. Honestly, this course is life changing!"

OUTSOURCING MADE EASY is the only program of its kind that…



    Since Outsourcing Made Easy is an implementation program, you WILL be getting your hands dirty with being in action. Not only do I make it dead simple, but I take nothing for granted and really go step-by-step to make sure you outsource with confidence.


    The 80/20 of what you need to do to be a confident and effective communicator that will leave you jumping for joy with getting your work back to you just how you want it!


    No filter. No unnecessary modules, and no extraneous or premature strategies that look sexy on the surface, but no nothing but overwhelm you and sabotage your progress. 


The Foundation to Your Success

Every remarkable business is built on a strong foundation.

In this crucial Module, you’ll learn how to harness the power of your mindset and your actions to set you up for success when you begin to implement outsourcing into your business consistently.

  • Get clarity on how you can become unstuck and instead, effortlessly get those outsourcing wheels in motion
  • Discover what new beliefs you need to adopt in order to successfully outsource (or achieve any of your goals in life!)
  • Figure out and harness the power of your WHY, so you can create a sustainable energy full of motivation to keep you moving forward in an empowered way

By the end of Module 1, you’ll have a rock solid mindset foundation that will help take your business to extraordinary new heights.


The Art of Working Less and Making More

20% of what you do, leads to 80% of your results.

In this Module, you’ll figure out exactly what you should be focusing on in your business to get you the results you’re looking for (working less hard, and making more money).


  • Get a step by step guide on calculating your current hourly rate (which may shock you)
  • Set revenue goals that you can work towards as soon as you start outsourcing
  • Learn what you should be saying “yes” to, and what you should be saying “no” to
  • Learn the one thing that will help you cut down the time you spend on tasks SIGNIFICANTLY

At the end of Module 2, you’ll know exactly what you should be doing to work less and make more money!


Planning What to Outsource First

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

In this Module, you’ll gain an understanding of the benefits of outsourcing culling, editing, and hiring a virtual assistant and find out what you should focus on outsourcing first.


  • Learn the best thing to start focusing on in slow season
  • Discover what tasks are no longer meant for you and what you will be outsourcing first

At the end of Module 3, you’ll know exactly what to start outsourcing first and why, so you can be strategic with it and save yourself time along the way. Once you complete this Module, you’ll be able to choose your own adventure and move on to either Module 4, Module 5, or Module 6.


Your Outsourcing Culling Framework

The key to having someone successfully cull like you, is simpler than you think.

In this Module, you’ll learn a dead simple method to train someone how to cull for you. Plus, you’ll learn proactive feedback systems that will have you raving about your outsourcing culling results!


  • Learn how to put together a clear job posting that sets expectations so you get quality candidates
  • Discover your Culling Formula that will have someone culling for you in no time!
  • Learn how to effectively and efficiently interview for the position
  • Leverage those additional 2-3 hours you get back per wedding
  • Understand the shortcuts for efficiently reviewing a cull
  • Learn how to quickly and accurately review a cull through a live video walkthrough
  • Understand how to easily give positive and constructive feedback that is key to the success of your working relationship
  • Discover how to easily organize a culling schedule for your culling person

By the end of Module 4, you’ll have mastered how to efficiently and successfully outsource your culling while getting back quality results and leveraging more of your time.


Your Roadmap to Successfully Outsourcing Editing

If you use only your own time, you can achieve only so much. If you leverage other people's time, the possibilities are endless.

In this Module, you’ll learn my step-by-step tactics in my Outsourcing Editing Workflow that will save you countless hours while keeping the consistency and integrity of your work alive + thriving. You’ll also discover why most wedding photographers fail at outsourcing their editing so that you don’t end up making those same mistakes.


  • Learn how to create training videos for your editor that will actually equal to great results
  • Learn how to select the right photos for your training videos
  • Implement my efficient outsourcing workflow that I’ve developed and perfected over the course of 4 years
  • Discover how to efficiently pre edit photos for your editor so you don’t waste too much time sitting at your computer
  • Leverage those additional 8-12 hours you get back per wedding
  • Understand the shortcuts for efficiently reviewing an edit
  • Learn how to quickly and accurately review a cull through a live video walkthrough
  • Understand how to easily give positive and constructive feedback that is key to the success of your working relationship

By the end of Module 5, you’ll have a rock solid foundation to consistently outsource your editing throughout the season while being thrilled with the results so that you never go back to burn out central ever again! 


How to Successfully Hire a Virtual Assistant in 2 Weeks

True productivity comes from leveraging your time by doing ONLY the most important tasks.

In this Module, you’ll learn my step-by-step process for finding and on boarding a quality virtual assistant for as low as $5/hour CAD ethically. You’ll also discover why most wedding photographers fail at outsourcing their tasks so that you don’t end up making those same mistakes.


  • Learn how to put together a clear job posting that sets expectations so you get quality candidates
  • Discover where and how you can easily hire a virtual assistant for as low as $5/hour CAD ethically
  • Learn how to go through applications in the quickest way possible
  • Understand what to look for when choosing someone to interview
  • Learn how to effectively and efficiently interview for the position
  • Discover how to easily train your new virtual assistant so that you are thrilled with the results they produce
  • Understand the pieces of an effective training video
  • Learn how to easily outsource things like blogging, slideshow creation, admin, album design, etc.
  • Leverage those countless additional hours you get back in your business
  • Understand how to easily give positive and constructive feedback to ensure the success of your working relationship
  • Learn how to officially onboard your new virtual assistant + keep the relationship thriving

By the end of Module 6, you’ll have mastered how to efficiently and successfully hire a virtual assistant, for as little as $5/hour CAD ethically. This module will give you the tools you need to successfully hire anyone in the future! This is a very powerful skill to have as an entrepreneur that wants a thriving business (but also wants to have a thriving personal life too).

Plus, these BONUSES To Help You Generate Unstoppable Momentum (and Keep it)...

Passive Income by Outsourcing Album Design (the hands-off workflow)

You become financially free when your passive income exceeds your expenses. - T Harv Eker

In this BONUS, you’ll discover the system you can have in place with your virtual assistant that has you taking the payments, while THEY design the albums and communicate with your client. And with your virtual assistant being only $5/hour CAD, that allows you to have a generous passive income while being able to provide your clients with a more affordable album price!


  • Learn how you can have an album design workflow where you only take payment, while everything else is well taken care of
  • Discover how to easily train your virtual assistant to design albums and communicate with your clients like you do
  • Understand the importance of a well-designed workflow
  • Use my own album design workflow that you can copy and paste for yourself

By the end of BONUS #1, you’ll have the tools you need to implement your own album design workflow with your virtual assistant and reep the benefits from your newly created passive income stream.

(Value $597)


Private, Members Only Facebook Group for LIFETIME Community + Accountability

As soon as you join the program, you’ll have guidance and support from a group of like-minded creatives in a safe and encouraging environment where everybody is on the same journey as you!


  • You get to find an accountability partner so you can stay on track together as you implement!
  • You’ll feel less alone on this outsourcing journey, and instead empowered by other photographers that are right there by your side

(Value $297) PRICELESS


Nine (9) Live Coaching Calls with Me for Troubleshooting + Clarity

Join me for 9 live video coaching calls where I’ll dive deep into coaching you through your mindset blocks and answering your questions as you implement what you learn throughout the program. I got your back!


  • I’ll tackle your toughest questions and provide guidance to move you forward.
  • If you can’t make it live, you can catch the replay!

(Value $8997)

Everything is online.
No travel required.

You have lifetime access to the training, so you can go through the material right away, or breaking it up to work on your own schedule.

Experience Epic Wins Like These….
You're Protected With My 100%
Risk-Free Guarantee

This program has the power to profoundly change your life. That’s not hype - that’s based on results from past students who stayed in action.

Outsourcing Made Easy is the most comprehensive step-by-step implementation program for wedding photographers who are excited and COMMITTED about successfully outsourcing in their business right away.

I’m confident that if you do the work, you’ll get tremendous value. I back that up with my risk-free guarantee. Here’s how it works:

Right when you enroll, you'll be granted full access to the entire program.

Meaning, you'll have had the opportunity to start outsourcing your editing, random tasks, and culling BEFORE making a final commitment.

If by the end of 30 days, you don't feel totally confident and motivated to start consistently outsourcing in your business so that you can have more free time and bring in more revenue, simply reach out to Rachel at [email protected], show us you've put in the work, and we'll refund your investment.

Here’s Proof that Outsourcing Made Easy for Photographers Works from Past Students

Julian + Kelly

“Outsourcing Made Easy is worth so much more than you are selling it for… “

Because of the tools that you gave us. It's not, “here's some information that I'm just telling you,” it's a step-by-step system on how to make your life better. That is more valuable to me than anything I've learned in the almost 8 years I've been doing this.

Sandra Monaco

“Your course was worth 5x what I paid!”

I had already been outsourcing, but I wasn’t getting the results I wanted. Then, Outsourcing Made Easy came into my life and changed everything. I realized I wasn’t happy with the results because I didn’t have the knowledge of how to do it right.

Your course was worth 5x what I paid! You literally packaged a photography business up, step-by-step and gave it to me on a silver platter.

It is a GAMECHANGER. My mind was blown throughout the entire process.

Christina Stirpe 

“The hours upon hours I saved with that information alone is worth every penny of the course”

If someone told me at the beginning of 2019 that I was going to take an outsourcing course at the end of the year, I would have laughed. Outsourcing was not for me and no one could work in my business as well as I could.

But the need to outsource hit me like a ton of bricks--I was burnt out, unmotivated, and felt completely lost.

Not only did Sara's Outsourcing Made Easy program change my perspective, I learned that I was able to continue doing the things I loved, and outsource the things that didn't bring me joy, but she gave me the exact steps I needed to take.

Jessica Little

"I don’t see a course like this anywhere else”

That sense of freedom I have been after for 10 years is finally coming into my life. This is it!

Before outsourcing, I thought - the only way to get back time is by taking less bookings. But if you take less bookings, you make less money. I felt stuck. But now, thanks to learning how to effectively outsource in Outsourcing Made Easy, I got the hard realisation that I don’t have to say ’no’ to 10 more couples this year. I can take them all on!


Camilla Thibideau

“I’d honestly pay the investment of the whole course just for the group community”

[OME] is the only course I’ve ever bought that I genuinely feel other photographers need if they want to outsource anything. Truly appreciate the “nothing is a trade secret” / “everything step layed out” approach! 

Not to mention, the privilege of being in the OME group is INVALUABLE! I’d honestly pay the investment of the whole course and group just for the group community. Words can’t express my gratitude for Sara’s show-all approach”

Nicole Vallance

“My mind was blown!” 

I went into the course as a skeptic, feeling like I was at the point where outsourcing made sense, but I didn't wanna lose any money since I've tried outsourcing before, but it did not make things easier, it sucked. I had no idea what she was gonna tell me that was gonna make it worth the amount of money that this course was gonna cost. Once I took the course, like I said, my MIND WAS BLOWN.

This course has SO much value in it. You know when you purchase something, a course or a book and you're looking for those nuggets you've never heard before, those moments where you are like "holy shit that's it! That's the value I'm paying for!". Well, I had SO many moments like that while going through the material and all of the info and advice Sara had given me, it was honestly GAME-CHANGING.

Maxime Bernadin

“The late nights of editing are over!”

Outsourcing is amazing! I can now take on several weddings in the same week and not be stressed out about the editing I have to get done.  I just finished my wedding season and I'm not burnt out, but instead have energy for more! I feel like I'm now able to avoid career burnout for the long run and not have to quit on my dream of being a photographer just because the editing was exhausting me. I love being a photographer and taking nice photos, but I really don't enjoy the culling and editing part, so outsourcing has truly been a game changer for me.

Questions my Top Students Asked Before Signing Up for Outsourcing Made Easy

Jessica Little

“There’s something to be said about truly staying
in your zone of genius”

It actually pains me to think how many hours I’ve spent in front of the computer when I could have been doing so many other valuable things with my time. I COULD have been scaling my business, I could have been holding my newborn son a little longer rather than running back to my computer, trying to maintain the endless pile of editing I needed to get done, I could have prioritized another date night with my husband!

Could of, would of, should of… but I didn’t.
Not until I found Sara anyway. 

She opened my eyes up to all the possibilities of living that excited vision I had for myself all those years ago. [She] brought a new found perspective to so many dilemmas that were keeping me playing small with my business and my life…

But what she really gave me was renewed hope. What she really did was re-spark the love and passion inside of me for being a photographer again.

Jennifer Jacquot

“This summer has been the best summer
for my business and my family”

I was on the fence for months and months to sign up for the course.  I was a full-time photographer who did a little bit of everything. But when it came down to wedding season every single year I would become exhausted and incredibly emotional. I am a wife and mother of three children under the age of eight. I was constantly hearing “do you have to work tonight mommy? How come you’re not coming to the park mommy?” All of these comments started to weigh on my heart

I knew other photographers had signed up for the course and they said it was a game-changer, so I decided to take the leap. I learned so much throughout the course… I had 20 weddings this year and all of them have been outsourced. 

I found someone in the states to do my editing that I love. I took so many different things from the course that I will carry with me on my outsourcing journey. I can tell you that this summer has been the best summer for my business and my family. I am not staying up till one or two in the morning making sure I’m caught up on editing. I am not missing out on time with the family like I was over the last several years”

Outsourcing Made Easy is Perfect for You If…

  • You’re brand new to outsourcing and are excited about all the time you’ll save as SOON as you begin to outsource and get the fast-track from someone who’s been in your shoes
  • You’re just getting started with your outsourcing efforts, and want to make sure you absolutely NAIL IT right out of the gate by using only the most efficient, easy-to-follow outsourcing strategies.
  • You’ve been trying to outsource for months (or even years), but haven’t seen the results you were hoping for and now long to reach a place where you trust those you outsource to, get back great results, while saving precious time and money
  • You already know - or have a sense - of what tasks drain your energy the most: So you’re one step closer to knowing what to outsource first! That means that you can get started even faster!
  • You have no problem investing a couple hours per week  (or will be able to in the near future): Every bit of energy you invest is a strategic and meaningful step forward in creating more free time and income in your life.
  • You’re ALREADY investing time and energy doing things like editing, creating workflows, culling, blogging, album design, and other things you keep hearing you “need” to be doing. The only problem is, if you keep doing everything yourself, then you will never have the time to create a sustainable outsourcing foundation in your business, and then it will lead to crippling overwhelm...and stay that way forever.
  • You want someone to complete your tasks how you would do them (or better): Outsourcing Made Easy teaches you everything you need to do step-by-step, in the most efficient way possible that will leave you saying “why didn’t I do this earlier!?”.
  • You’re aware of all the profitable doors that will open up once you consistently begin to start outsourcing. You know...more wedding/session bookings, passive income opportunities, more time to start teaching/mentoring/hosting workshops, and simply growing your business and life in the direction of your wildest dreams.
  • You CRAVE more time freedom, financial freedom and creative freedom in your life: Outsourcing Made Easy will give you all of this and more. You’ll experience more ease and less stress in your life and business so that you can do what you want, when you want, with who you want.
Did you catch yourself nodding your head?
If You’ve Read This Far, You Owe This to Yourself…

to honestly answer these questions:

What if just one strategy in Outsourcing Made Easy....

Frees up 10-15 more hours per week? What impact will that have on your relationships, your well-being, your profits, your joy?

What if just one idea in Outsourcing Made Easy…

Helps you run your business with more ease and less stress?

What if just one lesson in Outsourcing Made Easy…

Will show you the way on how you can spend your time doing ONLY the tasks that light you up?

What would those changes realistically be worth to you over a lifetime?

$5,000…$20,000…$50,000...or more?

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don’t miss your chance to finally start living the life you’ve been dreaming of.

Final Words of Encouragement From Your Fellow OMEs (Remember, They Were Once Where You Are Right Now đź’›)


You didn't know how to edit when you started. You didn't know how to take these amazing photos and create this amazing system before you did it. You had to learn somewhere which means if you can learn, you can teach someone else. 

I was able to cut my computer workload in half, and double my revenue in just 6 months!

This will change your life. I promise you… it's worth every single penny.”


“If you are sitting on the fence, you need to sign up for OME now. It's going to change your life. It’s going to change your business. It's one of those things you're going to wish you had known sooner!"


“If you don't build a solid foundation in your business, it will crumble. And if I had my time back, I wish I'd put more energy into the business side of things sooner instead of just constantly chasing the next viral picture...”


“Fear will probably be the biggest thing that will stand in your way. I know for me, it felt like I couldn't let go of control of certain things, that no one would do it as good as I could or that it would cost more money... Once you get out of your own way and really invest in yourself, you will see that all of those things are not true. Honestly, this course is life changing.


“I knew I needed to outsource but I didn’t know where to start – Sara gave me that”

You gave me a little kick. You showed that you've done it and it's possible and that we can do it too… I [now] understand that there’s a bigger world out there where you can do all of these things… it’s literally just the best thing ever!

Looks like you missed getting a spot in Outsourcing Made Easy for Photographers!

To make sure you don't miss it next time, sign up for the waitlist below to be the first to know when the doors to OME re-open in the fall of 2023!

With love,